
Marijuana Legalization Essay

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The world would refer to it by various different names such as Pot, Cannabis, Ganja, Weed, Kush but the most familiar to people’s ears is the name “Marijuana”. Even though it has many different names, it still has one common characteristic which is that Marijuana is considered as a drug and is illegal in most parts of the world. As time goes on, there are individuals and private organizations from all over the world that would spend their precious time and money conducting a research in order to prove that Marijuana instead should be legalized as it is highly beneficial. One research after another has proven that Marijuana should be legalized as it is a form of natural medication, it also enables governments to generate additional income and it is the least dangerous or life threatening when compared to the …show more content…

According to David Sheff (2014), he states that researchers assumed that if Marijuana were to be legalized, it would be taxed in a similar manner to the taxation imposed on alcohol and tobacco. If this were to happen, it will have the possibility to bring and additional income of a whopping $6.2 Billion if taxed similarly to alcohol and tobacco. A study by David Sheff (2014) indicated that state and local governments also stand to save billions of dollars that they are currently spending on regulating the illegal use of the Marijuana. Ken MacQueen (2013) has found that 94% of the cost to society of cannabis comes from keeping it illegal and this is proving to be a huge waste of money. David Shaft also stated that the government can stand to save a humungous amount of $7.7 Billion annually on law enforcement cost. This further proves that the legalization of Marijuana is beneficial not just to individuals of the world, but also the government that governs over

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