Should Cannabis Be Legalized In Australia Essay

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We as a country are governed by laws which are bought in by politician’s to safe guard the general public and community. Laws that have been bought into Australia have a controversial aspect, as there are two different points of views. The much debated topic within Australian politics and society is whether “Should cannabis be legalised in Australia for medical purposes? ”. Even though we are governed by politics there still have human rights groups and medical experts who debate this controversial topic. (Legalization of marijuana –, 17th August, 2014)

The medical use of cannabis was prohibited in Australia within 50 years ago, when at the time the scientific knowledge was very poor. Not just about the outcomes from usage …show more content…

(Legalization of marijuana –, 17th August, 2014) The main active ingredient that makes people feel 'stoned' is THC, there are many other chemicals in cannabis, some of which also act on the brain. Cannabis affects your mood, thinking, concentration, sense of time and memory. Some of the effects are viewed as pleasant, and some are not always pleasant. (Youth Adult Health – Health Topics, 17th August, 2014)
The difference between medical cannabis and non-medical cannabis is the THC, which gets a person ‘high’. When a person uses cannabis, there are some short-term risks to consider; there is an increased risk of psychotic episodes (psychosis is when a person sees, hears or feels something that is not there, or thinks that people are trying to harm them), as well as depression from regular use. (Youth Adult Health – Health Topics, 17th August, 2014)

There will always be a minority who abuse drugs, not just cannabis but all drugs. Which make the case to legalise cannabis that much harder, some researchers say it, and some authorities say that the regular consumption of cannabis may lead to stronger, and can be fatally addictive drugs such as heroin and