Cannabis Should Be Illegal Essay

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The effect of cannabis is to make people relaxed it is also a depressant and can have some mild hallucination side effect, as this drug is a depressant it slows your central nervous system.

The effect of this drug is unpredictable as if I say it mostly makes the user feel relaxed but if a person has too much they can become confused a simple conversation they may forget. Their body may become coordination blood shot eyes and make them very Hungary. the drug can cause many problems especially in heavy smokers of this drug like cancer loss of memory have no or little concentration and struggle with the ability to learn new things it can also cause psychotic breaks like the signs of schizophrenia.

Cannabis is usually smoke like you would smoke a cigarette or they take it through things like a bucket a bong or a pipe.

The drug I know has been smoked by people from the age they start …show more content…

It is very rare that you can buy pure alcohol as it is against the law. Alcohol is mostly made from fruit wheat and with yeast, which all have to be fermented to make the drink, they are producing. When buying alcohol the company must label the content the strength that is written indication of the alcohol intent.

Alcohol is a recreational drug and is mostly responsible for a lot of street crime anti-social behaviour in the UK.

This is also a depressant slowing the nervous system it also lowers your inhibitions coordination and reflexes.

Too much of alcohol can lead to you becoming dependant on it this will give you shakes, vomiting and other problems like liver disease if you are addicted to alcohol.
Alcohol is involved in a third of road traffic accidents.

Alcohol is mostly marketed at people over the age of 18 yet young teenagers can be seen drinking in the streets and parks, this is against the law to.

This is a drug which will make you hallucinate these are illegal; this drugged can be sniffed taken orally smoked or