
Short-Term Effects Of Alcohol In Adolescent

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Alcohol is a licit non-prescription drug that is classified as a depressant drug; it slows down your brain and central nervous system. The larger the quantity of alcohol, the more damage and harm it does to your body. There are different types of alcohol, these include beer, wine and spirits. Alcohol is the most widely used drug in Australia among adolescents as 78% of young people aged 14-17 have drunk alcohol at least once with 28% of these people that drink weekly. Drinking in adolescence can be harmful to young people’s physical development, particularly brain development. Adolescence is a critical period in a young person’s development towards adulthood. What they learn during their teenage years, and how they learn it, can set the young …show more content…

The purpose of alcohol is to make the user feel relaxed and feel good. However, there can be many negative effects involved. Alcohol slows your body down. The short-term effects due to this are lowering your heart, breathing rates, dizziness, decreased coordination, perception, react slowly, aggression, slurred speech, distorted vision, hearing and vomiting. The short-term effects for binge-drinking include headaches, nausea, tiredness, diarrhoea, memory lapses, unconsciousness, anaemia, coma, blackout and forgetting things. Alcohol can also have long-term effects; these include unintentional, intentional injuries, loss of productivity, liver disease, nerve damage, high blood pressure, sexual problems, permanent damage to brain, gastritis, cancer of mouth, throat, vitamin B deficiency and poor diet. These are potential dangers to adolescents for under-age …show more content…

Underage drinking can cause harmful effects on the family. Alcohol causes tiredness and various other symptoms which can lead to aggression and neglect. This would mean you could show impulsive behaviours towards your parents, get angry at them easily, show a moody, bad attitude towards them, use inappropriate language, act abusive, lie, become defensive of your actions, create tension and stress in the house constantly. These co-dependent behaviours would ruin your relationships with your family and create distrust between your family. By children constantly buying alcohol, it would cost a lot for the parents causing serious financial problems which would again start fights. Also, it may lead to domestic violence in your house.
Not only would relationships between your family be ruined but also between your friends. The alcoholic would start becoming anti-social meaning they would stop talking to their friends, affecting their social well-being. The alcoholic also might end up being unable to bond with people which would result in isolation. Due to the interference of alcohol with sleep patterns, it can lead to reduced energy levels which would mean you would get tired and sleep deprived very easily, so you would start to get angry and start fights with your

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