
Argumentative Essay: The Legalization Of Marijuana

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The legalization of Marijuana is a highly heated and controversial issue in America today. Marijuana is a drug that is mind altering. It relaxes the body and slows down a person as a whole. On November 8, 2016 citizens had to vote on Prop 64 wether or not they supported legalizing recreational marijuana for persons aged 21 years or older under state law and establishing certain sales and cultivation taxes. Data shows that over 55% of Americans believe marijuana should continue to be illegal and the remaining 45% believe the marijuana's legal status should be altered. Although marijuana can cause public endangerment and is extremely addictive to some people I believe marijuana should be legalized because not only can it lend a helping hand to people with serious medical conditions but it can help the government finically.

Even though marijuana can be helpful in some ways it also causes problems like public endangerment and can be extremely addictive to some people. Marijuana can cause impairment in a driver. This means if a person is driving while under the influence, they may be more prone to having a collision and …show more content…

Some medical conditions' marijuana treats could be from headaches, a disease like cancer, or a long-term condition, like glaucoma or nerve pain. Barth Wilsey, MD, a pain medicine specialist at the University of California Davis Medical Center says, "Pain is the main reason people ask for a prescription." Marijuana can also help with the condition of post traumatic stress disorder. Patients using this drug for ptsd were starting to feel better and seemed much more present. Dr. Sue Sisley stated, “I was really stunned and more and more patients were coming out of the shadows and disclosing to me that they were having some useful experiences with the marijuana plant.” PTSD was being helped by marijuana. Marijuana helps many medical

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