Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana Today, there are twenty-three legal medical marijuana states. While not many are in favor of this, there are also many who are all for it. The popular plant, Marijuana has been around for decades, but has recently been the most debated topic on whether the U.S. should have never legalized it in the first place, or whether it should continue to be illegal. Marijuana should be legalized because of the great medicinal benefits, huge economic boost, and simply because it is proven to be much safer compared to tobacco and alcohol. There are more and more states in the U.S. that are taking into consideration legalizing marijuana. According to the article, What is medical marijuana?, “The U.S. FDA has not recognized or approved the marijuana …show more content…

What many are not aware of is the fact that marijuana is much more safer compared to drugs such as tobacco and alcohol. Tobacco is a legal drug in the U.S. and many other countries. The U.S. Dept. of HHS states that it “is an addictive substance because it contains the chemical nicotine.” The article, What is tobacco, written by teens participating in the Summer Wellness Programs, states that “tobacco can be processed, dried, rolled, and smoked as: cigarettes, cigars, bidis, clove cigarettes, and kretecks.” Researchers have found that the addictive drug is difficult to stop smoking because of the nicotine found in the plant. According to the article, Tobacco Free Florida, “smoking causes coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death in the U.S.” Heart disease is one of the many more diseases tobacco triggers. Just like tobacco, alcohol is in the same fashion more dangerous than marijuana. Alcohol, also known as ethanol, is an ingredient found in beer, wine, and liquor. The over use of alcohol can result to harsh consequences like tobacco. “Alcohol misuse not only harms the individual, but damages relationship and society in terms of violence and crime, accidents and drink driving” (“Stephan Cousins”). Just like tobacco, alcohol can lead to life threatening diseases such as: cancer, lung infections, kidney disease, and even mental health problems. It is evident that both tobacco and alcohol are two drugs that are