Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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A recent study done by Matt Femer, a national journalist, revealed that if the 50 states of America decided to legalize recreational marijuana, the tax revenue would increase annually by three billion dollars. Citizens of America may argue that the benefits of legalizing recreational marijuana would benefit this country financially, medically, and even serve as a substitute for other narcotic substances. Availability of marijuana for recreational use would be a step forward for this country in terms of advancing in medicine and ensuring that our economy continues to thrive. Although medical marijuana has already been legalized in twenty three states, there is still much more that could be done to benefit the citizens of america by legalizing …show more content…

The argument that medical marijuana causes nothing but harm has been proven wrong in multiple studies. The chemical compound called tetrahydrocannabinol also known as thc has been pronounced effective for medical treatments revolving around muscles and cancer. On a study done on 153 individuals who suffered from epileptic seizures, seizure occurrence decreased by 54% after being treated by can epidiolex, a controlled form of cannabinoid. A study done by the same corporation found that marijuana can successfully slow down the production of new cancer cells from …show more content…

One of the most statistically proven reason of why marijuana shouldn't be legalized is because it is known as a gateway drug. Meaning, specifically for teenagers, that smoking marijuana will eventually lead an individual to expand their use of narcotic substances. For example, a study done by ‘a drug free world foundation’ performed a survey on cocaine users and asked if they originally started their drug use with marijuana, and 99% replied with a “yes”. The reason for this is because the ‘high’ that an individual feels will sometimes drive them to reach a new level of ‘high’ due to early usage of marijuana can infact make you less happier due to the constant dopamine messengers being exhausted throughout the user's