Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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More than 60% of Americans think marijuana use should be legalized, according to the latest CBS News poll. The number 61% is the highest percentage ever recorded in this poll and a five-point increase from the previous year.
Most Americans 71% do not think the federal government should try to prohibit the sale and use of marijuana in the many states where the drug has been legalized in some form. And 88% favor medical marijuana use. Among those who think marijuana should be illegal, only half think the federal government should be involved with the states.
While 63% of Republicans oppose the federal government trying to stop marijuana use in these states, 76% of Democrats and 72% of independents oppose the federal government intervening.
In some cases, marijuana legalization seems like it should be a game of dominos. If you get enough states to move in the right …show more content…

We’re continuing to see big strides toward widespread marijuana legalization, and it could be only a matter of time until the entire nation is seeing green. Of course, a few major steps still have to happen before that’s possible.

Where does legalization stand now, and what are some key linchpins that could open the doors to nationwide marijuana acceptance? Take a look at the updates, and what’s ahead for marijuana in the upcoming months.
Though marijuana legalization has seen a much greater push in the past few years, medical marijuana has been allowed in some parts of the country since 1996, when California became the first state to allow the use of cannabis to treat certain health conditions. Several states have since passed similar legislation, though the details vary by location.Pennsylvania is the first state in 2016 to make marijuana moves, but it likely won’t be the last. After a crushing defeat of a full-legalization bill last November, Ohio is once again looking to pass legislation that supports marijuana