Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Legalization of Marijuana The legalization of marijuana has become one of the most controversial topic in the United States and now more than ever in the most recent years. If the United States were to legalize Marijuana the US would be able to put a tax on it, but many states have very different opinions about it. Some states have legalized it in their states, other states allow it just for medical uses and some plainly have not even acknowledged the topic. If marihuana were to be treated as alcohol, law enforcement would be able to focus their time and resources on much more important things
Marijuana mainly known by slang terms, weed, herb, pot, grass, Mary Jane and many more names is a mixture of dried, shredded leaves and flowers of+ cannabis sativa or hemp plant. Many of its users smoke marijuana in the joints which are hand rolled cigarettes many others also use bongs which are pipes or water pipes. Another way people use marijuana is by smoking blunts which are cigars cut open and having some of its tobacco replaced with the marijuana. Others get their share of marijuana from edibles like brownies, cookies rice crispy treats. Edibles are Foods mainly snacks with marijuana mixed into them. …show more content…

It’s a “win win” for both marijuana enthusiasts and the governments’ pocket. Just alone in California “A legalize-and-tax plan is favored by 56 percent of Californians, according to the Field Poll Tax boss Betty T. Yee, chairwoman of the State Board of Equalization, backs the plan and says it could produce annual tax revenues of $1.4 billion. “I think the tide is starting to turn in terms of marijuana being part of the mainstream,” she said.””, and also “More than a dozen other states have enacted or are considering laws to permit medical-marijuana use or remove criminal penalties for