
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Legalizing of Marijuana

Although a lot of people are in favor of legalizing marijuana. They claim it has medical purposes for things such as cancer, being nauseous, and a pain reducer. However, the Drug Enforcement Administration says it has no proven medical benefits. It is proven that smoking marijuana will damage your lungs and throat. Marijuana is an addictive and dangerous drug that has negative effects. It should be kept illegal by all means possible.
Marijuana is a very addictive drug. The DEA believe that 11.5 million people use marijuana. Knowing of some people that are addicted to smoking marijuana changes my opinion that yes it is an addictive drug and if it was not then they would be able to simply quit. When you smoke marijuana repeatedly you increase the amount of smoke you take …show more content…

Smoke exposure over time can cause lung cancer, bronchitis, and asthma. Studies show that some effects of smoking marijuana could be linked to memory loss because the main ingredient THC effects certain parts of the brain.
There are certain people that believe marijuana should be legal. They believe that marijuana should be made recreational and taxed. They believe the U.S. can make a big profit off of it. By making it legal they believe it will reduce crimes associated with it being illegal and hopefully stop criminals that sell it illegally. It would then make the society safer. By changing the law about the legalization of marijuana it would hope to lessen time for inmates in prison or jail. By making it legal the crime punishment from law breakers would be nothing. However, it is important to pay attention to the younger generation. When kid’s

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