Argumentative Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Cannabis is another word for marijuana. Cannabis illegal in most of the countries. Possessing even a small amount is illegal in some cities. Right now, Colorado Washington and California it is legal to possess a certain amount of weed. In this argumentative essay, I want to argue the reasons why cannabis should be legalized for health reasons only not for recreational use. Cannabis should be legalized since it helps alote of sick people., and its legalization means better and higher quality health standards. . Banning of cannabis would be a disadvantage to people who suffer from diseases that use cannabis as a major part in their medicine. The usage of cannabis for medical purpose is the strongest reason to legalize it. Weed has been proven in treating nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy. Cancer patients lose weight because of chemotherapy weed helps them get their appetite back. It also …show more content…

When this argument is viewed of the economic situation, it makes since to legalize weed. Cannabis business ends up with criminal gangs that control its trade in regions around the world. that would be changed if marijuana was legalized, the government would control its trade. The number of Americans who favor legalization of marijuana has consistently been on the increase with the figure reaching its highest level in October 2013 as 58% of the Americans were found to favor legalization of marijuana. (cbs news) In that point of view, it can be argued that, the fact that an increasing number of Americans favor legalization of marijuana that it is time for marijuana be legalized by the government. Colorado’s revenue in 2017 is 506 million (Cnn money stream) In Washington it made a revenue of 200 million in 2015 (huff post). Setting up weed nurseries would create more jobs. It can make up to 41,00 jobs till 2024 and generate over 1.7 billion in labor