Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Much discourse has been managed regarding the legalization of marijuana, with an unusual amount of disputing research. It is all around us, even in in todayś Mainstream media, sources, music, movies, and TV shows. Cannabis has been regarded as a harmful plant that can endanger lives. It is though to be nothing more than an extra problem to be dealt with in todayś society. However, based on its economical benefits, cannabis has proven to outweigh its negatives with numerous positives. The contradiction to legalize cannabis in the United States has been argued over constantly since the finding of the drug and its effects on people. It has been proven it provides a positive impact on American society for multiple reasons. Some of these reasons are for America’s economy, health, and as well as crime. These reasons could very well help America build from the ground up in the future. For these many beneficial reasons that is why cannabis should be legalized in the United States. This earthly found drug is all over the world. Cannabis is illegal in most states …show more content…

Cannabis reduces more revenue than corn, wheat, and even soybeans combined. Unfortunately it is not the states that are getting the money for this god given crop, it is the criminal organizations and drug dealers. This is why legalization would benefit the United States, it could grow the crop, sell them, and put a tax on them like tobacco. Legalizing cannabis would also be very beneficial at putting illegal business out of work and would also free up jail space for the more serious offenders. Jails would not be overcrowded and crime would rapidly reduce. Every forty-five seconds someone is arrested for marijuana, that is tons of money to be spending on prosecutions in America. Drugs are still to this day easy to obtain, use, abuse, and sell. The drug wars has costed taxpayers lots of money and unfortunately has nothing to show for