Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Society has been debating for years whether or not to legalize marijuana and what restrictions, if any, should be placed on legalized marijuana. I believe Marijuana should be legalized and by doing so: the crime rate will decrease, people will have fewer health problems, and lastly more jobs will be created.
Marijuana also known as Cannabis has been around since the age of time. Not until 1850, marijuana was finally used as a drug in the United States. In 18989, it was officially added to the United State Medical and Drug report known as the United States Pharmacopeia; and a doctor under the name Dr. E. A. Birch published an article dealing with marijuana in his scientific journal known as “The Lancet”. He stated in his article that marijuana could have some positive health benefits and that it can act as an antiemetic. He believed that Marijuana could reduce cravings to opium and other strong drugs. In the 1930 marijuana become a common name word within the United States, and two American companies owned by Park Davis and Eli Lily were selling …show more content…

This would increase funding within both the Federal Government and the State Government. This will create more jobs for both federal and state government and put money back in the economy by legalizing marijuana.
Other reasons for legalizing marijuana include a decrease in the crime rate and fewer deaths. Marijuana has been showed to be safer then alcohol; which has been link to many deaths, while there has been no death reported from the use of marijuana. In a recent study it showed that states who legalized marijuana had a lower crime rate than those who did not. Therefore, it shows that marijuana would be a safer choice and that it would reduce death tolls and reduce crimes at all