Archangel Michael Analysis

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The Archangel Michael, the most well-known and most recognized archangel, is the emissary of the Archangel Realm. He is dedicated to helping us recognize our true connection with the Divine by fortifying our faith and belief in the Divine Essence—The God Essence—The Essence of All That Is. Archangel Michael is also a member of the Warrior Angels—the Powers—whose job it is to protect humanity—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Archangel Michael shields and defends us by deflecting negative energy aimed in our direction. In a sense, he is our angelic personal bodyguard. He also imbues us with courage to recognize and release all types of fear: fear of the unknown, fear about the uncertainty of the future, and hidden or deep-seated …show more content…

When we are in need of power, strength or courage, he responds. When we need to stand steadfast in our beliefs, he responds. And when we need insight about our life’s purpose, he responds. This is the Archangel Michael at work. Calling upon Archangel Michael “Archangel Michael, Come to my aid and defend me against all evil, especially (insert issue or person.” Remove my fear of (insert issue or person), and heal me of all damage this has caused.” Archangel Michael speaks: “The time is now to let go of your fear. Fear serves no higher purpose. What fear does is lock you into inactivity and non-productivity. Fear is the Great Paralyzer. More actions and ideas have been stopped because of man’s …show more content…

Man is completely surrounded with Angelic beings who love and support him and are always there to move man forward beyond his fear. What we have always known about man is that man is new to the life experience, and that he faces the unknown every day, and instead of moving forward with confidence, he becomes stymied with his specific fear. This fear of the unknown causes him to falsely believe that he is incapable of moving forward beyond the fear into action against it. My dear people, abandon your fear. Seek Angelic counsel. Call upon us to reveal the truth in all things. We are always ever-present to show you the way, the secret passageways through fear and into the Promised Land of what is waiting for you: success, happiness, love, and completion of your earthly lessons. It is our goal, those of us in the Realm of the Archangels, to provide you with every aspect of guidance and knowledge to dispel the darkness in your minds and hearts. We do this out of love for you. You are our charge, and we vigilantly and diligently pursue this duty. Our motives are pure, by a love of