Essay On Australia In The Twentieth Century

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The twentieth century was a period of rapid change and growth. The century saw significant booms in worldwide population and urbanisation, as well as increases in industrial production and trade. Urbanisation also placed growing demands on the environment. Australia’s society grew in understanding and eventually became aware of these arising environmental problems, and as a result, Australians views, understanding and actions surrounding the environment changed. This period in time became known as the environmental movement- a time of great change and newfound maturity towards the environment.

An increase in worldwide population and mass migration from rural to urban areas throughout twentieth century, placed growing demands on the environment. …show more content…

Energy consumption was dramatically higher in urbanised areas due to the use of electricity, transportation, cooking and heating. The need for fossil fuels led to the increase in industrial production and trade. However, it is now known that fossils fuels have severe consequences on the environment and are an unsustainable resource. Burning fossils fuels e.g through the use of cars, planes or any transport, leads to carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere, which increases greenhouse gas emissions that inevitably destroy the ozone layer and threaten the future of sustainable life on …show more content…

The environmental movement first emerged within Australia around 1960, however the issues of environmental concerns were apparent in the minds and actions of many ordinary people right throughout the twentieth century. The environmental movement was primarily driven by people who thought strongly about protecting the environment. In the 1960s, 70s and 80s, the environmental movement within Australia grew in numbers and support, campaigning for the protection of natural environments and against movements they believed would cause damage to the environment. The environmental movement was a time of great change and