Essay On Baby Boomer Generation

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Birthdays, graduations or weddings mark transitions in one’s life, and often times these transitions are the next steps in a person’s evolution. Likewise, the world is marked by events that have shaped society and hence its surroundings. One would ask, what events have benefited and enriched Canada? After World War 2, one of the biggest impacts was Baby Boomer generation. Simultaneously, Canada was starting to grow socially, economically, and politically turning into a more tolerant, self-sufficient and developed nation.
Social changes reflect a society that breaks old values and creates new ones instead. After World War 2, attitudes were changing and so were people. The Baby Boomers generation is an example of a social change that has beneficially impacted Canada. One may remember the conservative and traditional attitudes before 1950’s that were later replaced by attitudes such as independence and goal-oriented. Baby Boomers brought to the world more freedom of speech, expression and choice. This freedom was reflected on changes such as newspapers publishing on Sundays, people going to the movies, large stores opening on Sundays everywhere, and even women going to the taverns alone. Similarly, this generation fought for social, economic and political justice for many …show more content…

In the late 1960’s the majority of the population was occupied by a young generation interested in many social issues, and Pierre Trudeau was the perfect candidate for Canada’s liberal attitude at the time. In other words, Trudeau was the reflection of the society’s mindset at the time and conversely. Trudeau’s philosophy was centralized on the idea of an equal society which would satisfy and benefit everyone. He accomplished many things that left Canada triumphant such as the Canadian Constitution, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Multiculturalism Act, among others. Pierre Trudeau changed Canada for the