
Essay On Banning Books

1366 Words6 Pages

Alaina Broomhead
Mr. Whitman
Pre-AP English 2
10 March 2023
The Fight to Ban Books
Many books around the world have been displaced from classrooms and libraries for negative and inappropriate topics. The implementation of repugnant language and unsuitable subjects should not be taught or expected in learning environments. Arguments on whether books should ever be censored or banned is a controversial topic, and the use of sexual content, discrimination, profanity and many other mature topics impact the opinion on why some books need to be banned. The utilization of sexual content is quite prominent in many curriculum required readings; books that contain topics such as this should not be taught or required in the classroom. Sexual content …show more content…

Prejudice against people of different races and sexuality shouldn’t be taught because it can offend the reader on many different levels, The American Library Association states, “Banned and challenged for profanity, violence, and it was thought to promote an anti-police message and indoctrination of a social agenda” ( “Top 10 Banned Books of 2021” 1), regarding “The Hate You Give” by Angie Thomas. A book such as this would be a great opportunity for someone to learn and grow from, although it may be impactful for some students, it could be negative and offensive for others with different backgrounds and opinions. Negatively depicting someone's religion is also discrimination and it is once again offensive and cruel to make a student read something that will hurt them, it is stated in “Censorship by the Numbers'' by the NYPL staff at The American Library Association: “10% political/religious groups'' (1), concerning the percentages of who insists challenges for certain books to be banned. This goes to show that at least 10% of people reading a book that has negative depictions of religion are offended, displeased, or upset by the discrimination against their beliefs. Another unacceptable use of discrimination in books that students should not be required to read is discrimination against people with disabilities. Making fun of a person with a disability or …show more content…

Course language such as slurs or other insulting speech should be removed from the curriculum if those issues take place, in “Derby District Removes Novel form Class Materials and Middle School Library After Anonymous Complaint'' by KMUW it claims, “‘However, the frequency of (obscene) language in there made it a challenge as a class read,’ Putnam-Jackson said'' (Perez 3). The use of slurs and profanity in required reading can be insulting and offensive to people of color, different sexuality, people who struggle with a disability, and many more. If a student feels comfortable reading books that introduce profanity, slurs, and other insulting speech it is possible for that student to read those books on their own time, as it is agreed by the Derby Informer: “In any case, parents are free to provide controversial books to their children as they see fit” (“OPINION: There’s a middle ground on school book issues'' 3). Students have the liberties and freedom to discuss with their parents what is suitable for them to read and if a parent decides that a child is unable or allowed to read a select book then it is up to the child to read said book. Books that contain obscene language regarding sexuality, racism, and ableism should never be introduced to students in a classroom or learning environment, in “Banned in the USA: The Growing Movement to Censor Books in

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