
Essay On Beach Cleaning

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Community service is a good subject to be taught in university levels either for a diploma or degree students because this will make create awareness for them so that they will tend to help other in the future. This community service is my second time doing community service subject before I did for diploma now for degree and I had an excellent time doing this topic. For degree level course, my project is about beach cleaning. Beach cleaning is a must be done the project because the beach is a public place where people will be going during weekends and holidays; not only that but also tourism visiting the place during summer. Therefore, cleaning it always will be a good thing to be done and we will get good feedback from public and tourist. …show more content…

My job before the implementation is to list down all the things that need to use for this project with my group mates. Then go around checking the price for the items need, for example, items like mineral water, first-aid kit and gloves. Once done with that I need to do the budget, collecting money from each member and buy the items needed. Finally, after the event, I need to do the inflow and outflow budgeting to show my leader. On Saturday morning I went to Morib Beach, Banting with my group mates for Beach clean-up. I had to arrive there at 8.00 am sharp for cleaning. When I arrived there, I could see how dirty the beach because of only garbage everywhere was. This activity was the first time I had ever done a beach clean-up, so I was excited to do this because I like to try new things and do something out of the ordinary. When I was cleaning the beach, I found a lot of stuff that shouldn’t belong at the beach. I picked up a lot of sticks, feathers, candy wrappers, straws, tissue papers, cigarette box, pieces of plastic cups and a piece of glass. When I picked up all this trash, I was pleased because I felt like I was making a difference and helping the beach to be clean and that’s the way it should be. I had a lot of fun because while doing this I was also getting exercise which I like to

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