Algebra Essays

  • Eulogy For Algebra Essay

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    class, where he won a contest over several Algebra questions, which no kids in his class, including him, had been taught yet. In his class, the students are now starting to be taught how to multiply and divide the first ten numbers, which is a huge step in the math world, for beginners. Gary was excelling in multiplying and doing well in dividing. Before they began the contest, Gary realized only fifteen other kids thought they were able to handle Algebra. They were already told that hard math questions

  • Why Is Algebra Important

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    interior design, grocery shopping what do all of these have in common? ALGEBRA! Many believe that they will never use algebra in their life outside of school. In the following paragraphs you will learn how you do use algebra in your everyday life. The three reasons algebra is essential for life are: you need it to obtain certain jobs, needed for advanced many courses, and needed for everyday life. The first reason algebra is essential for life is you need it to obtain certain jobs. Have you

  • Personal Narrative: College Algebra

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    I’m really not good with advanced math. Simple math comes easy to me, and I can usually beat the calculator with the answer. However, when it comes to algebra and more advanced math courses, I struggle immensely. When I took College Algebra 1 at my previous college, the teacher would assign one full chapter for each night of class (5 days a week), and we were expected to complete the assignments at the end of the chapters, which usually consisted of about 70 equations. When I would sit down to do

  • Algebra 1: Middle School

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    subject I have excelled was Algebra 1 during my freshman year in high school. When I first got into the class I knew what the teacher was teaching and I did not struggle in the class while some of my class mates were. Algebra was the easiest class I ever had because I knew all of the topics back from middle school. My middle school teacher helped me understand what Algebra was and how to solve equations and many other things that deals with the subject. I had Algebra 1 in 5th period, right after

  • College Algebra Research Paper

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    is easier to concentrate than other subjects such as Reading and Writing. Throughout Fall 2016 semester, College Algebra seems hard that can depresses some people at the first time; however, College Algebra is the most interesting subject. It has sections from algebraic equations to a natural logarithm of x that we can learn in this Math subject. Hence, here are some College Algebra problems that we can find solutions by writing. For number one, the equation is a “f of x equals root of x”. This

  • How Did Diophantus Contribute To Algebra

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    Brenda Rojas Mrs. Gadia Math 1414 4/18/17 Diophantus of Alexandria The literal definition of algebra states, “the part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations”. But to a Greek mathematician, named Diophantus of Alexandria, algebra was much more. To Diophantus, algebra was a beloved hobby, it was his life. Throughout his lifespan of approximately 84 years, he made many contributions to the subject. He became

  • Algebra 2 Level 1 Essay

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    Dear Incoming Algebra 2 Level 1 Student, Algebra 2 Level 1 can be a course that is very rewarding and can help you get a better understanding of math as long as you are able to put the time and effort in order to do so. My favorite unit this year would be when we did factoring. Factoring in my opinion is one of the easier concepts to grasp and get a handle of. If you get good at this, it will definitely help you in the long run, as this appears in many, if not all of the upcoming units. My favorite

  • College Algebra Lab Report

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    Smiley, Gregory College Algebra- Math 1111- SO Evaluate the difference quotient f(x+h)-f(x)/h So this equation is probably going to be in an calculus class also I have yet to take it yet, but I do understand this is in college algebra for which I have taken it. The equation is f(x+h)-f(x)/h. This formula finds the slope of the sectant line that goes through two points that are on a graph of f. These are the points with x- coordinates x and x+h. It also allows you to find the slope of any curve

  • Pt1420 Unit 1 Assignment 1

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    developmental and first year undergraduate mathematics. It used to be that everyone took courses that were kind of on a calculus track, even though they were never going to take calculous unless that fit unto their major. So, they took classes like college algebra, finite math and trig, just because we have been teaching them for decades. Now there is a shift for students who are not going to major in [inaudible][00:00:40] fields, to take math courses that are more, they use the term relevant, to their everyday

  • Complex Numbers: Rafael Bombelli's Life And Work

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    gave mathematicians a way to deal with the square root of negative numbers, but at the time they had no way of operating on the numbers algebraically. It was not until the 16th century that mathematicians began to consider the function of i and the algebra surrounding it. The first mathematicians

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To Maunawili Falls

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    at the edge of a fifty foot tall cliff petrified with anxiety and fear. This wasn't a stupid attempt at suicide, rather a stupid attempt at having fun before summer inevitably comes. I knew my summer already wasn't going to be fun, I signed up for algebra 2 summer school classes. So I and a few friends decided we would go to Maunawili Falls a 6 mile hike to a waterfall with a 50 foot cliff. It took us 2 hours of being covered in sweat, going through bushes, up and down hills overrun by mosquitoes to

  • How Did Rene Descartes Build Cartesian Coordinates

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    René Descartes created Cartesian coordinates in order to study geometry algebraically. This form of math involves a plane with a horizontal axis and a vertical axis, named X and Y. As in geometry, both axes, as well as the plane, go on into infinity. Along the axes, points are numbered so that with only two numbers (for example -5, 7) one can know exactly where on the chart to look. This is very useful in computer programming because a computer screen is set up similarly to the Cartesian coordinate

  • Ancient Egyptian Mathematics

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    They needed arithmetic for the complex calculations used in creating the architectural wonders, as well as algebra to help solve logistical problems such as keeping the population fed. Ancient Egyptians could perform addition and subtraction using grouping, but for multiplication and division, had more complex methods. These methods for multiplication and division

  • How Did Hayham Contribute To Math

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    Mathematics is a subject that is taking over the world. Society is introduced to mathematics through their early years of life, such as school, and later on in their occupations. Some people are mathematicians because of the involvement in mathematics. Their contributions have placed the subject in a new light and have inspired others. Abu Ali al-Haytham is a man of many contributions, such as optics, astronomy, and mathematics, especially geometry. Haytham, or [also know as] Alhazen,

  • Pop Goes The Weasel Research Paper

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    Have you ever had something that you needed to remember but you couldn’t? My math teacher taught me the quadratic equation to the tune pop goes the weasel, to make it easier to remember. I believe that if you put anything to a tune you will be able to remember easier. It can be hard to factor trinomials and without the formula you can’t do it. Factoring trinomials aren’t always simple and you will need to know this formula to solve the equation. For the equation to work, you must have it arranged

  • Pt1420 Unit 2 Study Guide

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    (2x − 3y)^4=16x^4-96x^3y+216x^2y^2-216xy3+81y^4 5. The possible variable terms would have to be a2b3; a5b3; ab8; b8; a4b4; a8; ab7; a6b5 because the exponents of each one of the terms all add up to 8. Task 3 Q&A Using the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, complete the following: 1. Determine how many, what type, and find the roots for f(x) = x4 + 21x2 − 100. 2. Determine how many, what type, and find the roots for f(x) = x3 − 5x2 − 25x + 125. 3. The following graph shows a seventh-degree polynomial:

  • Fundamentals Of Algebra

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    The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra expresses that any polynomial of degree n will have n roots. Moreover, Descartes’ rule of signs states that the number of real positive and negative roots can be determined through the number of sign changes present within a given polynomial. In order to demonstrate my understanding of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and Descartes’ rule of signs, I will provide two polynomials and predict the number of complex roots for each. Polynomial 1: f(x)=x^4-6x^2+x^3+3x-4

  • Pt1420 Unit 6

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    Question #1: What are real numbers? What are the stages in the development of the real number? What is the concept behind division by zero? Answer#1: Real numbers: Real numbers are those numbers which incorporates all the rational and irrational numbers, real numbers are the numbers on a real line which is (- ∞,+∞) or we can say that a real number is any component of the set R, Where R = Q U {0} U Q’ In this expression Q and Q ' indicated to rational and irrational numbers respectively, irrational

  • How Did John Haier Use Logarithms In The Real World

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    Using Logarithms in the Real World Logarithms was discovered in 1614 by the Scottish mathematician John Napier. John Napier was born in 1552 in Scotland, at the age of thirteen he got enrolled in the University of St. Andrews and studied at St. Salvator’s college but failed to get a degree. After turning 21 he bought a castle where he stayed his whole life after his father’s death in 1608. In math, Napier made remarkable discoveries which were accurate and accepted around

  • Personal Narrative: Algebra

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    If you were to mention algebra to me at this exact moment I would most definitely cringe at the words. Algebra has always been my most difficult subject since I was in the eighth grade, which is why I absolutely despise it. Before my eighth grade year I did exceptionally well in math, it was by far my favorite subject because I loved money and solving multiplication problems. My love for math lead to me being in advanced math class which is why I took algebra in the eighth grade versus the ninth