Essay On Bill Of Rights

613 Words3 Pages

The most important right enumerated in the Bill of Rights is the freedom of speech because it allows citizens to freely speak their minds on important issues in society, it is necessary in order to freely and completely express all other freedoms, and it is fundamental to the growth of our nation. If there is any conflict, any wrong-doing, or any injustice in society or the government, then citizens need to be able to express their thoughts to make a change for the better. It is important to be able speak out and speak up about important issues taking place in order to bring justice and to bring the government to follow the advice and the wants of the people. If the government is of the people, by the people, and for the people, then it is necessary for the people to speak and influence what actions the government takes, to make the government bring to justice any conflict, and to do what the people thinks is right. Without the freedom of speech, no conflict, no issue, no injustice will ever be taken care of or be what the …show more content…

Without the freedom of speech, citizens would never be able to fully express any other freedoms. There would be no way to express or practice one's own religion. There would be no way to peacefully assemble against something that is disagreed with or seen as unjust. There would be no way to appeal against a crime wrongly convicted of. There would be no way to be fairly tried. There would be no way to bring to justice unreasonable searches. There would be no way to speak out against unfair, cruel, or unusual punishments. Without the freedom of free expression and free speech, the government would make every vital decision of what they believe to be right or wrong without the consent of the people, and this would therefore strip away all the rights given to the people. Freedom of speech and expression is important in order to sustain and express all other freedoms given to

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