
Essay On Binge Drinking And Driving In Canada

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Over the recent years, a lot has changed in Canada; increased car accidents, drug use and teen binge drinking incidents; these incidents all have one thing in common: teens’ lack of attention to non-fiction texts. As a result, the lack of attention had a direct correlation of the increased risk of negligence leading to more prone to car related accidents, teens turning to cannabis as an alternative to drinking while driving and motor related accidents. Therefore, in order to prevent all this from happening in the future, teens need to know the importance of non-fiction texts because knowledge is power.

Firstly, many incidents today are caused by negalence such as binge drinking. Studies done by Dr. Robert Mann showed that one in ten students reported binge drinking at times of psychological distress. As a result in increased binge drinking, there has been an increased in car related accidents such as car crashes. Without proper knowledge, teens have no idea the damage they are causing to those around them and possibly to even themselves. In addition, like Sir Francis Bacon has mentioned, “Knowledge is power.”; the statement is true regarding the knowledge teens need from non-fiction sources; if teens paid attention to non-fiction sources such as the …show more content…

Robert Mann concludes that “The rate of driving after cannabis also remains high, and is in fact, in this population, higher than the rate of driving after drinking, and that’s a concern because there’s increasing evidence that cannabis can impair your ability to drive, much in the same way as alcohol can.” Teens should pay attention to non-fiction sources because had they did, they would know that although there is an impression that cannabis is a safer drug and safe alternative to drinking and driving, Mann and his research has concluded that it is

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