Essay On Brave New World Utopian Society

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In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, we are shown a “utopian” society were happiness is achieved at the expense of humanity. The caste system, mental conditioning, soma, and casual sex are all resources used by the people and government to maintain the stability and happiness of the society. According to the Savage, John, the Brave New World society has no sense of heroism or nobility because no one must confront dangers for others and no one can or has to make sacrifices for others. The Resident Controller of Western Europe, Mustapha Mond, responds to him by refuting his points on how his society isn’t perfect and explains how it is in fact a “utopian” society. The controller does give the savage an adequate response A major component of stability in the Brave New World society is the caste system. The people within the society are no longer born in utero. Instead, they are grown in a test tube. This way, citizens can be genetically engineered to fit within the specific castes of society. This provides stability because everyone is built distinctly to fit in, they are satisfied …show more content…

The people are taught to chant the saying “And do remember that a gramme (of soma) is better than a damn”, which encourages them to use it whenever they are sad, mad or experiencing any of the negatively connoted emotions. Keeping the people distracted from problems and making them, in some sense, ignorant. They are taught that, instead of worrying about their problems, they should do drugs to remain calm and forget about them like the problem was never even there. This causes ignorance because the people can’t and won’t fix problems in the society because they don’t know they’re there. That helps with the stability of the society because no one worries about anything and the people are left in the dark, thus not wanting change. This leaves the society in stagnancy but provides

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