Persuasive Essay On Brave New World

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In the novel the “brave new world” by the author named Aldous Huxley there is this world presented to us that is not like the world we live in today. We are given the knowledge that the people in the society of the book are living in the times of the “world state”. In the world state that is presented to us in the novel “brave new world” pretty much everything is changed for example the way humans reproduce is no longer done or produced sexually but rather through technological and medical intervention. This is also how they keep control of the population in the world state. They also remove the ovaries of women so that they don’t get pregnant. Kids are thought that giving vaginal birth is a custom for the “savages”, as they call them. The …show more content…

One other thing that can prevent people from having a child is same sex parents. Same sex could only obtain a child by having a donor or adopting a child legally, but whit cloning they can have a genetically related the book the brave new world people are cloned so that they can control the population and create workers to help the society as a whole in the “world state” Cloning can be used/benefit animals too. Animals that in danger of being extinct like the panda, the black rhinoceros, the red wolf and the elephants of Africa juts to name a few there are way more endangered animals in the world. Whit cloning the endangered animals in the world can be saved and prevent them from going extinct may also be possible to clone extinct species. In the brave new world cloning animals is used probably to produce food for all the humans that live in those times in the novel brave new world. This seems very good to have in the new world state and in our modern times because it could stop global hunger. It keeps kids from going hungry and possibly even death in many poor and developing