Brave New World Persuasive Essay

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Most readers of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World are shocked by the content of the novel. From promoting rape culture in children to keeping so called “savages” in reserves much like zoos, most aspects of the book are quite unsettling to the average person. When asked which society is better, ours or the one in Brave New World, most people would instantly respond with our own society. This is because in our world, most aspects of the society in the novel are looked down upon. But when putting all judgements aside, Brave New World could potentially have a much more smooth running community. In order to determine which society is better, one must look at a variety of things, such as efficiency, happiness of the people, and ethics. Body Paragraph 1 (efficiency): In the novel, people are created to be well oiled machines never failing to do their job. In our world people can potentially be born weak and feeble, which is one of the many reasons why Brave New World has a more efficient society than ours. Another reason Brave New World’s society is more efficient than our own is there is next to no conflict. The drug Soma takes care of all feelings, leaving one with blissful meaninglessness. As long as you take it, there is no conflict. …show more content…

People in the savage reserves can truly say they are happy in terms of their lives, family, and friends. Although people in the Brave New World say they are happy, their happiness is artificial. Babies are born in test tubes, and they are brainwashed to believe certain things. If they are brainwashed, there is no way of stating if they are truly happy or not. The people in the savage reserve can say they find peace and joy in their religion, but someone cannot say the same for the citizens of Brave New World. This is because they are brainwashed to be happy and enjoy certain