
Essay On Brazil Government

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Many say the government is the foundation of a nation, but what government is the right government? Some may believe that this is a black or white question, but in reality, it is very gray. There are pros and cons to every different government structure. It all depends on which is the best fit for the people of the country. Brazil and The United States have very similar governments through the structure to the scandals. Learning more about these governments may help give a better idea of if they truly are effective in their efforts.
The first thing I focused on was the type of government and its leaders. Throughout my research, I found very few differences between the two countries. I learned that both countries are federal republics and have their own presidents and vice presidents. The one major difference I noticed was that Brazil has had a female president before. This is one of the most major differences I have found. Even though The United States has had females run for the presidential candidacy, none have made it. This leads into the similarity that women are still not treated as equal as men. Both governments are majorly filled with men, with a few women becoming more involved. …show more content…

Both and president and vice president will be on the same ticket. They will represent their parties through the ticket. In Brazil, there are many very different parties. Three of them are Brazilian Communist Party, Social Democracy Party, and Party of the Republic. The United States on the other hand consisted of mainly The Democratic Party and The Republican Party. When it comes to the voting of these representatives they each use the popular vote. The only difference is the number of terms they both have. In Brazil, they only get one four-year term, and in The United States they get 2 four year

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