Essay On Brom Bones In The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow

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Have you ever heard of the Headless Horseman in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. Abraham “Brom Bones” Van Brunt throughout the story should be imprisoned for pulling practical jokes on Ichabod. Throughout this story, Brom Bones makes practical jokes on Ichabod Crane, since they both like the same girl, Katrina Van Tassel. (8) Brom Bones is the most dazzling man throughout Sleepy Hollow. Although he does not live in Sleepy Hollow, he attends the town often. Brom is more like an alpha male, while Ichabod, on the other hand, is lanky and weak. Brom is the best horse rider in the area. Abraham is very well known and is well liked. Abraham is street smart, while Ichabod is book smart. In Ichabod Crane’s perspective, Brom Bones is strong-headed and boisterous. Brom should be imprisoned on He believe. He believes that Katrina should like him because he is very well educated and intelligent. Ichabod’s excuse to see Katrina continuously is that he is her singing teacher. Crane is vain about his singing talents. Ichabod doesn’t have a formal home, but he does travel around and stay with other families on a day-to-day basis. For the portion of the story, Ichabod stays with a lower society farmer, …show more content…

Crane had borrowed an old, beaten down plow horse, Gunpowder, from Hans Van Ripper. When Ichabod had arrived, Brom did too, and Brom had a dangerous horse, Dare Devil. At the party, Katrina and Ichabod danced while Brom was looking on with jealousy. After dancing, Ichabod went to a table of old men smoking cigars, talking about war stories. Ichabod quickly changes the subject to ghost stories. The group covered many of the local legends and continually returning to the favorite: the tales of the Headless Horseman. Brom eventually joins the group of high end people and tells his story on when he encountered the Headless Horseman and offered to race him for a bowl of