Essay On Bystander

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There are many dangers in our world, it's important we know how to deal with these dangers that can occur to you.I will be teaching you how to identify if someone is unconscious in the water and how you, as a bystander can help. The first step is for people that are trained in first aid. First, you have to carefully check the surrounding area, make sure there are no people or objects that can get in your way or harm you. Once the first step is complete you must sustain eye contact with your victim, check for signs that they are unconscious, they should be on their stomach face down motionless, with their arms in a relaxed manner. It's important that you don't linger on your steps, your victim could be trying to breathe. You must act …show more content…

Once you grab ahold of your victim, start your ‘egg-beater’ process until you reach the edge of something solid. At this point, you should put your victim’s elbows and arms folded on the edge then hold the middle of their hands to keep them still. By the time you did all of this, your bystander should have arrived with your equipment, ask your bystander if he or she is trained in first aid, if not remove the victim by yourself but if your bystander is trained then get him to help you pull your victim out of the water, remember always be careful with what you are doing because you don't want to make things worse by giving your victim another injury. After you have your victim in a proper position away from the water and any dangerous things, it's time to access your situation within your victim’s body. Check their [LOC], (Level Of Consciousness) by tapping the ground or pinching their shoulders, keep repeating the phrase, “Hello, Can you hear me? Hello, if you can hear me nod or squeeze my hand,” until you have done this three times. Remember to stay calm and not scream this phrase at your victim because if they do wake up, you don't want them to be scared because you are screaming. If your victim does not wake

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