
Essay On Chinese Education Vs American Education

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When I first started college in the United States, I didn’t put much thought in pursuing a graduate program. I’ve always believe education was somewhat similar between China and United States. The reason I seek an education oversees was to gain better experience of the outside world. However, during the past four years, I was able to fully understand the difference between the education system here in the United States comparing to China. Professors here in the United States promotes team work and provide professional information that can’t be learned from the book. China’s teaching style is straight forward and information are taught from straight from the books. I believe I learned a lot more information within these four years from the teachers here in the United States than I did in China. I want to be able to adopt their teaching styles and techniques so that I can …show more content…

The teachers in China, disregarding the student’s interest, will constantly tell the students, which degrees and education path is correct. Teachers will always teach from the text book and rarely voice their professional working opinions within the classroom. In China, the education system is also rigid and most students will not be able to express themselves freely. This is because students are rarely allowed to speak their opinions in the classroom. If the teacher tells the students the information, they must not question if the information is accurate. However, teachers in the United States promotes classroom discussions and allow each students to voice their opinions. I believe the U.S education system to allow students to freely learn anything is truly fascinating. By completing the Teacher program from the University of Columbia, I will be able to become an expert educator. This will then allow me to educate and change the rigid educational system in

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