Chivalry In The 21st Century Essay

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The year is 1448 the Second Crusade is now in its second year. You are a member of the Knights Templar. You have marched to the town of Damascus and are settling in for the time. One day you and your brothers are under attack. After hours of fighting you have been forced to fall back to the orchards while the muslim forces are killing your brothers. In the end you lose the city and the crusade ends in failure. Know you ask why these people do this and the answer is chivalry. They crusaders held themselves to a higher standard of life respecting all and fighting for god and country. That code that was lived by dissolved somewhere over time and is needed with the modern society.
One of problems the society of the 21st century is there is no …show more content…

Chivalry causes people to have a desire to be educated at the lower levels, and also the higher levels of school also. In the modern world a high number of people do not have this desire to be educated even at the lower levels. A recent study showed that “25% of high school students fail to graduate on time”. Also across the United States there are more than 2,000 high schools that fail to graduate 60 percent or more of their students. Chivalry’s aspects would also create an atmosphere where problemed drinkers, smokers, and drug addicts are not thought well of. In the society we live in there is too much of an acceptance of these problemed people, which causes people to not think bad about becoming one of them. In a recent C.D.C. study 1 in 5 deaths are related to smoking. All throughout time money has been a major factor and of the $249 billion spent on alcohol in the United States $191 billion is resulted from problemed drinkers. A code of chivalry would majorly enforce enough self respect to not do these harmful things, also we could take more steps to limit these problems. One way would to be limit ways to purchase these substances. Another would be taking these legal things and making them illegal for

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