Essay On Claduis In Hamlet

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You may think you know someone but your wrong. Shakespeare Hamlet an example of charters who appear one way to others but are very different form the way they seem. The discrepencys between the way the charates seem to be and the way they really are inside becomes very vivid durring the last acts of the play. Hamlet appers to be crazy but in reality it is all an act to evenge his father's death by tricking Claduis. Hamlet appears to be crazy. He is out for revenge for his father’s death, "A bloody deed? Almost as bad, good mother, /as kill a king and marry whith his brother". (III. iv.29-30) Hamlet is appears to be explaining what he is angry about. He is telling his mother and tries to make her upset and face the facts of what she has done. …show more content…

Polniones asts as if he is claduis rigth had man."Claduius: Give me light, away! Polonius Lights, lights, lights!". (III. ii. 252-253) Polonius acts as if he is Claduis best friend and his rigth hand man. He does everyhing in his power to make Claduis happy. When Clauduis got angry durring the play he yelled lights. This shows how Poloneis appers to be the kings assisnet. In reality he is just a power hungry man who wants to be well liked by the king so he can gain power. Polonius is willing to do anything for Claudius to appear to be loyal My lord, he’s going to his mother’s closet./Behind the arras I’ll convey myself/To hear the process. I’ll warrant she’ll tax him home. /And, as you said (and wisely was it said)/'Tis meet that some more audience than a mother—/ Since nature makes them partial—should o'erhear/The speech, of vantage. Fare you well, my liege. / I’ll call upon you ere you go to bed/ And tell you what I know". ( III. iii. 28-36) Polonius acts as if he is Claduis best friend and his rigth hand man. Ploonis appers to be a very helpful peron. He does everyhing in his power to make Claduis happy. This shows how Poloneis also appers to be the kings assisnet. In reality he is just a power hungry man who wants to be well liked by the king so he can gain