The Cornucopian Theory

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The world population growing exponentially and to some, it may be a concern but looking from an optimistic view than the Cornucopian point of view makes sense because people believe that the technology and capitalism will continue to make new ideas to help us in the future (Hughes). The Malthusian theory proposes an opposite opinion about the world population. It suggests that the world population is growing geometrically while the resources line is growing arithmetically. Soon the world population will reach the point of crisis and then the population is going to collapse (Hughes). Cornucopians have been right if looking at the current situation of the world. After the Industrial Revolution, the technology was developed and after that people …show more content…

Educating has proved to be effective in reducing the birth rate in the world. Back in the time, people did not have the information about birth control pills and contraceptives which contributed to a higher birth rate in a country. People are getting educating others about having smaller families. An example from a documentary called “Don’t Panic” by Hans Rosling gave an example of a family in Bangladesh. The Khan family has two girls and the mother, Taslima loves her small family. In the documentary Rosling discussed Taslima’s job, “She works for the government Family Planning Service which employs women like her in every village. She goes to people’s house to try to help others to have smaller families. Taslima offers advice, moral support and most importantly a range of contraceptives” (Rosling 4:33 - 7:11). A major cause of the gradual decline in fertility rate in Kerala was also due to education and as it stated in the textbook, “The Literacy rate in Kerala was 47 percent, versus India’s rate of 18 percent” (Clark 93-94). The decline in the birth rate was due to the educated people in Kerala and people with more education are more likely to have fewer children, unlike people who have less education (Clark 93-94). Another example is the government educating the population. Often when the people do not have the sense of family planning the government often steps in to control the population …show more content…

If the three factors like Education, Technology, and Urbanization are looked at, then people would notice that humans figure out ways to control the world population by bringing change in their lives by focusing on something that can prevent the increasing birth rate or death rate. The cornucopian theory has an optimistic view of the world population and it is proved because when a problem occurs, people tend to find ways like education, technology, and urbanization to fix the