
Essay On Discrimination Among Aboriginal People

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Discrimination among Australian Aboriginal people in present time Key idea 1: discrimination between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people are causing anger and sadness toward the Aboriginal people. Many Aboriginal’s have accepted racism and discrimination as part of their daily life because of the large distinction between social-economic variables with the other groups. There is a high gap different in the quality of education and employment among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people (Priest et al. 2011). This difference leads Aboriginal people to be disappointed and to think they have less value than the other society. Furthermore, for many Aboriginal people hospital environments and service conjures up memories of discrimination and mistreatment (Kelaher et al. 2014). Also, they are usually physically and emotionally upset more than non-Aboriginal people because of the negative racially based treatment (Larson et al. 2007). As a result, the negative treatment and unwelcome face they receive in health care and in public areas from different service are causing some …show more content…

More than one-third Aboriginal’s experience high levels of racist incidents and very high psychological distress (Angeline et al. 2012). This is causing them to become anxious and socially isolated which contributes to the more serious mental disorder problem. In additional Aboriginal people seek much-needed and support in health, housing, and welfare than non-Aboriginal people because of racism. This makes them struggle and worry about their life and results in a negative impact on their health due to the stress they suffer (Larson et al. 2007). This shows that discrimination is risking Aboriginal’s people health so the government needs to take racism against Aboriginal as the main agenda and try to address it.

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