Essay On Dynamic Assessment

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Dynamic assessment which appeared about 80 years ago is basically rooted in a theory of the well-known Russian psychologist L. S. Vygotsky (1989) as Sociocultural Theory of Mind (SCT) and Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). It tries to use the human abilities with the aim of finding and improving the potential capabilities. The cognitive functions that this theory considers specify that in this system the person gets more engaged because by getting supported by interactions, the way of finding different techniques of thinking and presenting are found. The cognitive functions which appear as a result of the reaction of the students to the support presented to them for the areas of problem, explain the role of SCT and these functions come to improve in this process. On the other hand, appropriate mediation enables individuals to exceed their independent performance, and this in turn stimulates further development (Vygotsky, 1986, 1998).
Vygotskian notion of the …show more content…

The students are provided with a mediated learning experience in this approach. In this way, depending on the needs of the students, instruction as an assistance is presented to them. This assessment procedure causes the students to improve and find a better way. Accordingly, dynamic assessment offers development by providing the interaction opportunities and internalization of them.
There are two approaches to dynamic assessment (Lantolf and Poehner, 2004). Interactionist approach and interventionist approach. As Thouesny 2010 explains, interactionist approach of dynamic assessment is a qualitative assessment of psychological processes and mediation is arranged by the way of considering the feedback received from the results of the assessments. Consequently, this opportunity is given to the students to choose the mediation through a discussion with the tutor and they are constrained to accept something