Economic Growth In The 19th Century

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Economic growth in the nineteenth century.The Industrial Revolution is a period stretching from the late eighteenth to the late nineteenth. It gains the whole European continent starting with England. This is a pivotal century in world history. For the North-West Europe enters era of industry and economic growth.
Paul Bairoch in Wins and setbacks "The most profound change the world has known since the Neolithic" End of 18 century, Europe is a set of economies marked by the predominance of agriculture and the peasantry.
Agricultural -Production:
4/5 of the EU population lives in the country in which 4/5 are directly involved in the activities and agricultural production.
The level of technology is archaic and productivity is low. It is a time …show more content…

P Mantoux in 1905 defines the Industrial Revolution, "primarily a technical revolution and it is the only index that explains the emergence of this new world
2 design that has evolved.
Advances in statistics lead, in the 1960's, an evolution of that vision. Then it is considered that the technical innovations were decisive, eg machine steam J Watt in 1769, but have not led to the industrial revolution alone. This requires a number of preconditions.
Indeed, the Renaissance had experienced a technical processing without carrying the industrial revolution.
More than a break, the Industrial Revolution is acceleration techniques. PT Braudel "The Industrial Revolution, it is also a process of longer duration, progressive and often not discernable
B Industrial Revolution is in the longer term.
1. The process of industrialization
We distinguish in traditional societies three ways of organizing production.
-Artisanat Traditional village:
Manufacture of products needed for farming and the needs of the villagers. It is a production of local needs (trades of blacksmithing, pottery, …show more content…

This is an additional income, a second activity.
-organise as domestic system: that is to say, merchant-manufacturers supply the raw material campaigns, distribute work and family once last season, recover the finished product. This is a local distribution. In the domestic system, there is a part of the textile industry, spinning and weaving (flax and hemp in Northern France and Picardy silk in Lyon) and the metallurgical industry, iron + cast iron blast furnaces and watches (Jura, Switzerland)
Merchant-manufacturers will gradually bring the workforce in one place to better manage, supervise and often to be closer to the raw material. The birth of these workshops will lead to the creation of factories. We pass the factory system.
That is why we say that the proto-industrialization foreshadows the idea of marketing the industry. It is considered one of the campaigns modernization factor, acceleration of urbanization (urban distribution patterns of behavior, including consumption patterns) and industrial