
Microsoft Ethical Lobbying Essay

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• Is Microsoft acting ethically when it supports rules, either through lobbying or financial support that makes it more difficult for small software manufacturers to compete in a market where Microsoft is an industry leader? The following points must be considered for ethical lobbying: The most obviously unethical (and illegal) practice associated with lobbying is paying a policy maker to vote in a favorable way or rewarding him or her after a vote with valuable considerations. If this practice were allowed, people and organizations with money would always win the day. But even with outright gifts to lawmakers outlawed, there are subtler ways to “buy” undue influence. As we writer, Congress is debating lobby reform that would disallow lobbyists …show more content…

Frequently discussed is the problem of revolving door lobbyists-those people who once served as public officials who then go into the private sector and work to influence their former colleagues. In addition to relationships with lawmaker, they may, for example, still have access codes to offices, use lawmakers’ exercise facilities, or otherwise have easier entrée to the corridors of power. Other kinds of relationships besides collegiality may undermine fairness. Especially on the local level, policy makers are often lobbied by people they know socially. It is incumbent upon public officials to avoid influence that might arise out of their friendships. The following points must be bearded in mind for ethical lobbying;  Maintain trust: Ethical lobbyists build strong relationships, show mutual respect and honor commitments with legislators, staff and fellow lobbyists.  Conduct business with integrity: Good lobbyists are proud of their profession and see themselves as problem solvers and resources for information.  Obey state laws: States have a variety of laws for lobbyists to follow---from how to register, to when to wear identification to how much they can

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