
Essay On Ethics In Criminal Justice

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During the Ethics in Criminal Justice Course, we were graded based on 12 competencies. Competencies refer to the ability to demonstrate certain skills or characteristics efficiently. In this class the competencies included: inquiry and analysis, critical thinking, creative thinking, written communication, oral communication, reading extract, information literacy, problem solving, quantitative literacy, teamwork, ethical reasoning, and lastly, integrative learning. This class has given me insight into the importance of ethics within the criminal justice system. I think over the semester using these competencies has helped me develop skills I typically would not have been provided with the regular grading system. It also provided insight into …show more content…

Starting off in this course I realized I lacked a lot of these competencies. More specifically I failed to think critically and provide efficient reasoning for concepts and ideas. However, as time went on throughout the semester, it challenged me to think more in depth, and not just answer the prompts with a simple response. Another thing that was challenging for me was the oral communication. Speaking in front of a large group of people has always been difficult for me, but in this class having to do it every class really helped to open me out and help me to not be as nervous. One thing I would say I was successful at was teamwork, reading, and written communication. In groups we successfully divided the work and were all able to play a significant role in the assignment. Although I might have struggled to think critically when reading texts, I was able to understand and take a lot from the material. The last skill I would like to discuss is written communication. It was hard for me to orally present my ideas, but I felt strongly when presenting them in a written format. Competencies are important to have because they are skills to grow overtime that will help further in education and a …show more content…

The topics of homelessness and panhandling came up when we had a guest speaker who was a social worker come into class. Everyone in class admitted they ignore those people who ask for money, but the speaker encouraged us to acknowledge them next time this happens. He said that acknowledgement may be the only thing keeping them going on in life. It is a good life skill, especially when working in the field of criminal justice. In the criminal justice field, we as people need that social interaction with someone and as a person in a field that comes in contact with so many

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