Essay On Ethnic Food

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Until the 1980s, ethnic restaurants constituted 10 percent of all restaurants in the Netherlands (statistics, 1998). In the past decade, ethnic foods have become extensively available and increasingly popular in Dutch consumer food markets (Iqbal, 1996). The growing cultural diversity of the Netherland is certainly influencing Dutch's taste for ethnic foods. However, there is a distinct fewness of information on the popularity and acceptance of Asian food.

1.2.2 Asian food trends in Rotterdam
It cannot be denied that the Netherlands has experienced a huge change in daily eating habits compared to the past. The influence of immigration and increasingly frequent travel of Dutch people has altered significantly the culinary landscape of Amsterdam and other urban cities such as Rotterdam. The increasing diversity can be seen clearly through the growing number of ethnic food markets and the broader selection of ingredients in supermarkets. There are many ethnic restaurants around Rotterdam. Among them, Chinese restaurants are leading in number while Turkish and Italian restaurants take the second place according to the statistics (Chivot, Auping, Jong, Rõõs, & Rademaker, 2016)

In the past two years, Asian Fusion cuisines are getting more dynamic in …show more content…

At the same time, consumer interest and acceptance of ethnic foods continues to expand and reflect the increasing pluralistic constitutions of present day society (NRA,1989). However, in Rotterdam, consumer interest in Asian ethnic foods has mostly bent towards Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese and Chinese food while still the biggest players in the industry, are losing market share to pizzas, burgers (Ciemleja,

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