
Essay On Friar Lawrence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet is a classic love story, Romeo falls in love with Juliet and vice versa. Sadly, at the end of the story, both of the lovers die. Romeo is the unwise hero of Romeo and Juliet and he aides in the death of both himself and his lover. Friar Laurence is Romeo’s mentor and should’ve done more to save the couple than he did. In this tragic tale the people who are ultimately responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death are Friar Laurence and Romeo. Friar Laurence marries the couple and does not tell their parents of this news. Romeo and Juliet are part of two feuding families. The families would have stopped the feuding if they discovered that their children were married. Knowing just that they are feuding makes the Capulets and Montagues seem like emotionless, cruel, …show more content…

Instead Friar Laurence keeps this news to himself and lets the couple die a dramatic death. Romeo is a young man who does not think his actions through, which is an extreme character flaw. In the story Juliet drinks a potion that puts her into a deep sleep, but everyone believes that she is dead. Romeo immediately buys poison from an apothecary because he is so impulsive. “Let me have/ A dram of poison, such soon-speeding gear/ As it will disperse itself through all the veins” (V.i.59-61). He then goes to the Capulet tomb. Paris, a man who would’ve married Juliet, is at the tomb when Romeo enters. Paris challenges Romeo to a duel and Paris dies. Romeo then drinks the poison and dies. Juliet wakes up and finds Romeo dead. She uses his dagger and kills herself. If Romeo had not done something so spontaneous, he would’ve been able to live happily ever after with his beloved

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