Essay On Gender Equality In America

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The United States of America: the perfect country, a land of peace, wealth, and unconditional equality. Americans pride themselves in these ideas. However, while we are boasting to the rest of the world, we keep our faults hidden to maintain our international status. America's egotistical ways are one of our most troubling weaknesses; our vanity does not allow for improvement of the issues we're covering up. Rather, our country's ego is so thunderous, it shouts to the world that the great nation of America is free from the world's dilemmas. America is often regarded as a prosperous, privileged nation with access to any resources desired. Frankly, this is accurate. The United States has the money to afford assets many countries would not dream …show more content…

Author Robert Kohls once wrote, "[e]quality is, for Americans, one of their most cherished values...They say all people have been 'created equal.'" While it is true that we are far above many countries in this way, our nation is truly not on the pedestal we place it on. In terms of gender equality, America seems to be internationally recognized as the top dog. Yet in 2015, The United States actually fell out of the top 20 on the The Global Gender Gap Report conducted by the World Economic Forum. Currently, our nation is in the 28th rank. That is far below that "we are the best" mindset that America produces. In fact, the US is not on top in any category, from economic opportunity to political empowerment. Additionally, racial equality is a concept also fed into our ego. However, while 41% of white Americans say that there is too much attention surrounding racial issues in the US, 63.5% of black Americans feel as though they are treated unfairly due to their race (PewResearchCenter). Ethnic discrimination, as well as the argument over whether or not America faces said problem, is yet another issue we strive to hide. Thus, not only do Americans arrogantly show off wealth; we upright lie to the world to maintain our