Essay On Gender Inequality In Brazil

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The final connection between race in Brazil and gender in Western countries is that both deny that there are inequalities. To prove that Brazil is a racial democracy, people often deny that there are inequalities by comparing race in Brazil to race in the United States of America. In the United States, the worst aspects of its racial scenes are put in the spotlight, such as when a police officer shoots an African American for no obvious reason or when an African American gets a longer jail sentence than a white person even though the same crime was committed. In Brazil, the better aspects of its racial scenes are put in the spotlight, such as when a person of colour achieves in the sports or entertainment industry or is placed in government. By focusing on the good in Brazil and the bad in the United States, people are denying the fact that Brazil also has bad racial scenes, such as the wage gap between races and the …show more content…

People deny there is gender inequality because in the past, women were not allowed to pursue certain careers, the wage gap was much larger, and they could not attend university, and so on. Since women in the Western world are now allow to do all of these things, they believe that gender inequality cease to exist. People also compare Western gender to gender in other parts of the world where women are still not allowed to drive, they have to wear certain clothing items, they cannot do things without permission from a man, or they do not have a good education. Gender inequality clearly exists in those countries, but that does not mean that it does not also exist in Western countries. Even though the Western world accepts all of these issues that are not accepted in other parts of the world, there are still inequalities since there are less women than men in the government and in large companies and there is a wage