Essay On Gender Inequality In Canada

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In Canada, and around the world, the need for feminism only arose after the invention of money. Feminism is a social perspective devoted to the equality between men and women, as specific social conditions create a difference in power between them. Gender inequality is embedded in daily life through religion, within families, and at work (TEXTBOOK). After the industrial revolution, having more money meant possessing more power. Since women were, for the most part, still alienated in their homes, not making any money, the job of being a housewife and raising a family suddenly became less important. But it didn 't actually become less important, society just changed their beliefs because of the power men were gaining from the money they made at work. This is precisely why all citizens of the …show more content…

Although creating and maintaining an entirely equal society is unachievable, Canadian society, as well as other societies, have come a long in way in making sure it 's citizens all have the same human rights. Having reached this status of equal opportunity however, the attention that has been focused on feminisms, needs to shift onto the idea that raising a family is just as important, if not moe important, than making money. After all, that is biologically what is required of us by nature. Looking back at Canadian society in the 1700 's, there was still a power imbalance, but men and women shared a mutual respect for their different roles (TEXTBOOK). And looking back even further, social scientists can infer that women held the most power, as they were the ones in charge of making any/all village decisions, while the men simply hunted for food. No role was prioritized over the other, and no person felt their job was of less importance (TEXTBOOK). There was equality in differences, which can only exist in simplistic primitive society. However, with the invention of money, and after the industrial revolution, the values and opinions of society went through a social paradigm

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