Essay On Gun Control On Campus

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Do we need more gun control laws or more mental-health professionals? In the article, “Crisis on Campus” by Shari Roan, the author talked about the increase in mentally ill students in college campuses. With the number of mentally ill students increasing on college campuses, the chance for one of these students to cause violence is high. At this point, increasing the amount of gun control laws isn’t the issue. These mentally ill students using the guns for violence are the issue. Since many of the students are getting the guns illegally anyways, putting in place more laws will not help the issues of college violence. Having more qualified mental-health professionals and caretakers on college campuses should be the priority to help reduce the …show more content…

At the worst case scenario these mentally ill students are causing harm to others on campus. Seung-hui Cho, a student that failed to receive the proper mental-health services, was the cause of the death of 32 students and faculty and 17 injuries at Virginia Tech (Roan 2). Seung-hui Cho was reported numerous times by faculty and students due to his disturbing behavior and yet still failed to receive the correct attention he needed from professionals (Roan 2). Survey by Eisenberg, found of 2,785 University of Michigan students, half of them with significant depression and anxiety did not seek help that they needed (Roan 7). According to the American College Health Association, about 15% of college students and a 2005 poll shows that 11% of women and 9% of men in college considered suicide at some point (Roan 3). Again showing that mental-health professionals is a need. Due to the fact that the number of mentally ill students are rising, means these students need to be handled with caution or another scenario like the Virginia University massacre could be likely to happen