Persuasive Essay On Concealed Weapons On Campus

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The 2nd ammendment states that a person has the right to bare arms, but where do we draw the line?
Thesis statement:
Allowing college students to carry a concealed weapon on campus is not only causing concern for teacher, but many worry about poosible interaction with drugs or alcohol as well as a students ability to proberaly react during an intense situation.
Reason 1:
There are teachers that are voicing not only concern but a fear of their safety if there are students carring weapons on campus and in classrooms.
Evidence 1:
Dr. Jonathan Snow, geochemisty Peofessor has begun to share slide shows at faculty forums to educate his colleagues how they may keep themselves safe.
Evidemce 2:
Theacher's fear that if a student recieves a bad grade, that student could become angry and then threaten them with a gun. …show more content…

Reason 2:
During college, students are known to make rash and dangerous decisions without adding weapons to the list.
Evidence 1:
In a statement relased by the group BCPGV, "College students engage in a great many high risk behaviors including drinking and drug abuse. Introducing guns into this environment will increase the danger to students every hour of everyday.
Evidence 2:
Phychotist believe that students under then influence have a greater risk of being parinod which will also highten fear. When a person in that state of mind, allowing guns are by far the worst senerio possible.
Evidence 3:
A study done with a group of people that are incarcerated in Cook County jail in Chicago shows that over 40 pecent of them were under the influence af alcohol when they commiteed their crime.
Reaon 3:
Unfortunetly, mass shootings have become more common, but without the proper training, its believed that armed students will so more harm than good.