Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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As of recent years, The Second Amendment has been a question of concern to many citizens in the United States. There has been an increase in mass school shootings in various states, and these shootings are making a lot of Americans wonder is The Second Amendment really beneficial to our citizens. Some may agree and others will disagree with the conceal and carry laws that are currently in place, but one thing is for sure, they are here to stay, at least for now. The conceal and carry laws in place are mentioned in the United States Constitution, can provide a sense of security, and may deter crime. On the other hand, the conceal and carry laws in place could provide criminals an easier way to commit crimes, especially in school settings. To get a better understanding of how the conceal and carry laws were enacted, one must know the important history dates of guns laws that were passed. In 1791 “the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified. The amendment reads: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary …show more content…

This brings up the point that carrying a concealed gun can help deter crime. John R. Lott Jr., PHD stated that if concealed and carry laws were in effect between 1977 and 1992 there could have been a prevention of 1,570 murders, 12,000 robberies, 60,000 assaults, and 4,177 rapes. (John) Generally speaking if someone was to try and pull a knife on someone to rob them, pulling out a gun would overrule the knife itself. Many individuals who do own a conceal and carry license are more law-abiding citizens than criminals. There are eleven states that currently allow the conceal and carry laws on college campuses and university campuses including Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, Orgon, Texas, Colorado, Mississippi, Tennessee, Wisconsin, and Utah. These states do have varying policies for the conceal and carry laws that are in effect and must be followed at all