Guns On Campus

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Many people that we know have trouble hearing the word gun, let alone guns on campus. Guns on campus is a very sensitive matter for some people ,The shootings at Columbine High School in April 1999, Virginia Tech University in April 2007 and Northern Illinois University in February have all ended in students owing guns. According to Floyd Phelps on the article “Does concealed carry make sense in schools and campus”, he said that because teachers deal with students regularly, they are as qualified as police officers to carry a firearm. But police officers are tested about the types of situations where a firearm may or may not be needed, whereas the average person carrying a gun, including a teacher, isn’t, he says “No teacher would think that …show more content…

According to David Burnet on his article” Allow concealed carry on campus” he stated that everyone believes criminals should be disarmed but disagrees in the matter. Instead of controlling access, colleges rely on no sign, expecting compliance from psychopaths. Such polices demonstrate consistent failure, serving only to render lawful citizens defenseless while empowering criminals to prey with impunity. Criminals don’t ask for permission. “Keep guns off” mentions that “College campuses where concealed carry is permitted, the crime rates actually increased while the student population decreased. As the population of the United States rises at a steady rate of about .7% yearly, the student population has fluctuated over a ten-year span (2004-2013) with last two years (2012-2013) consisting of a 1.7% and 2.3% drop in enrollment. So with this said maybe it’s a good idea to keep guns off college, and university campuses regarding to these stats. The Association of American state colleges, and universities, from 24 states have signed a committee campaign to keep guns off campus that they are against to legislation that would command that college, and universities allow students to carry concealed weapons on …show more content…

The rate of murder, robbery, and aggravated assault remain very below the national average, and has in a point decreased on college campuses at a faster rate than the national average. The objective of our state legislators should not be arming more individuals, but educating students at a younger age about the dangers of carrying concealed weapons, and need to teach individuals to respect each other. People assume that everyone with a concealed gun permit is well trained not so. Nowadays, Defenders of gun rights usually claim the requirements for concealed carry on campus mean only those interested in self-defense will be able to purchase them legally. Even if guns were ban or at least were difficult to buy, they argue, gunmen would continue to find ways to arm themselves leaving innocent students