Essay On Hate In America

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I believe in an America without hate. Without violence and fear. I believe that eventually, we can all be at peace with everyone inside our country and outside of it. I won’t lie, it honestly seems impossible with where we are now. I don’t really think any countries can be at complete harmony with the state of the world right now, but I truly believe that if we all work together to overcome the state of chaos and danger our world is in, we can achieve that level of cooperation and tranquility. You see in our world, and specifically in our country, hate is a huge problem. We tear others down to build ourselves up. Sometimes we tear them down just because we have the ability to. It happens everyday, everywhere, and it’s showing no sign of stopping any time soon. It’s a terrible stain on this country and it’s vividly clear to people inside and out. Despite this, not much is happening to change it. We seem to prefer accepting hate and negativity as a way of life over doing something to change things for the better. We would rather watch terrible things unfold before our eyes than create a disruption in the …show more content…

Change is pretty terrifying, even if it is for the better of everyone. Not to mention America doesn’t have the best history when it comes to dealing with change. In fact, the strange way that America seems to make changes is what gives me hope for the America I dream of. We tend to be in a really bad situation for a while before things get better. For example, when we were working to abolish slavery. There was a lot of violence and hate for a long time, but eventually there were human rights for all of the country. Another example could even be our national security. We didn’t have ample security measures until we had suffered through violence and hate again. In both of those examples, we had to learn majorly from our mistakes. They hurt us badly and for a long time, but it works out for the better in the