Health Expectancy In Developing Countries Essay

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Health expectancy means the number of years a person could expect to live in good health. Recently, it has become an extremely controversial issue that people in developed countries start to have lower health expectancy for many reasons. This essay argue that the two main factors contribute to a low health expectancy in developed countries are smoking and obesity ( US department of health and human services 2010). First the discussion will focus on the two main factors, then the essay confine some possible solutions.

The first factor that contributes to low health expectancy in developed countries is smoking. Tobacco use is associated with a variety of diseases such as heart problems, lung diseases and cancer. According to Peto and Lopez (1996) the proportion of lung cancer death related …show more content…

However in order to reduce obesity problems we need to konw the causes of obesity first. One of the major factors of obesity is our lifestyle, british people spend more than 110£ on fast food that equals 12 meal in month. However people need to eat more healthier food such as vegetables, fruit and fish… and avoid eating fast food, Also we need to teach our children how to prepare healthy meals and how benefits they are for health. The second factore of obesity is lack of physical activity Because of the development in technology and comunication area people become inactive and we all know that sport is the spirit of the body, so the more exercices you do the healthier you are.

In conclusion, the main factors which contribute to low health expectancy in developed countries are smoking and obesity. Possible solutions to these problems are eating healthy food, practice more exercices as mush as possible and quitting smoking. These possible solutions, of course are clear. So the answear, I feel, lies somewhere in the middle. To put it a different way, that media and governement address the roots of this problem, perhaps the solution will