Essay On How Cfla Has Impacted My Life

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FCCLA has profoundly impacted my life so far, and I know it will well into my future. FCCLA has given me a home, and through my involvement in FCCLA, I have gained valuable skills and experiences that have positively impacted my personal growth and my family life, career aspirations, and community involvement. First, FCCLA has helped me transform my family life and family dynamics. Family is the foundation of the rest of my life, whether it be my education, work, activities, or whatever I do in my free time. FCCLA has helped strengthen my family through the national program Families First. The unit Meet the Challenge has helped my family the most. It has greatly helped my family’s ability to come together to overcome any challenges that come our way, thus strengthening my family as a whole. A strong family has been the foundation for every endeavor in my life and helped me immensely. FCCLA has become a family affair that every single one of my family members has become involved with and benefited from. Second, FCCLA has shaped my career aspirations and shown me the path I want to take in life. The Parliamentary Procedure competitive event developed my passion for …show more content…

Because of my involvement in service projects, I realize that one must serve their community in whatever capacity they can, wherever their community is. FCCLA instilled this passion in me. I can’t imagine not serving others - it has become a priority for my entire family. FCCLA has allowed us to recognize the needs in our community and inspired us to do whatever we can to meet those needs. I aspire to serve my community in any capacity that I can, and I hope to be able to serve my community through my career and life endeavors. One of my biggest dreams in life is to start a nonprofit dedicated to community service, and FCCLA is the main reason I have developed a passion for serving my