Essay On Dog Grooming

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The importance of grooming the dog is the thing most important next to feeding. Today the dog is a household animal. No longer does it live wild. The dog has little space outside with the rapid urbanization of towns. Fortunate are the people with even a small yard these days. Though the lack of space has increased, the necessity for having a dog has not. This means the need to keep the dog clean is of vital importance. But all this must be done without actually compromising the health of the dog. Animals in the wild all preen and groom. This keeps them in tip top condition. This also keeps them healthy. Birds we have seen meticulously preen their feathers .In order to realign them. Monkeys and other furred animals get another …show more content…

This does mean that people are paying serious attention to keeping their pets in shape. But this does not mean people cannot keep their pets in top shape without having to sell the house to do it. There are so many products on the shelves and they all vary in the what they offer. But the primarily one has to understand that the best coat is on a healthy animal. The healthier the dog, the better the coat. The coat of the dog denotes its overall condition. A poorly nourished dog does not and cannot have a beautiful coat. On the contrary they healthy dog has gleaming coat that no shampoo can match. The dogs skin just like our must have a layer of fat underneath it. This layer is deposited when the other nutritional requirements are met. Therefore it is good to note that no amount of external applications of whatever can introduce this. The second point to bear in mind is the what the coat of an animal does. It protects it from the elements. Which means it is water proof. If you see a picture of any animal with a coat in the rain you will notice how the water drips down. This water repellent factor is what keep the dogs dry . The undercoat does not get wet. This prevents the animal catching a chill. This brings us to the point of bathing