Diabetic Salt Essay

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This is a natural plant health - CELTIC SEA SALT
Celtic salt - natural plant health

Even in the distant past believed that the salt is the most important foods for good health and boost immunity.

Opinion was so widely accepted that the word health (lat. - Salus) was formed from the words sal, or salt.

The ancient Romans highly valued the salt. It was used as a means of payment, whose value was equal to the value of gold.

The old saying "salt is the source of life" is true because the human body it is urgently needed. It contains the same natural minerals that are found in all human body fluids. Salt is the main source of ions play a crucial role in the physiological processes of the regulation of blood pressure to the work of the nervous …show more content…

Eliminates excess mucus from the body
Not only eliminates the accumulated mucus, this salt can prevent the creation of excess mucus in the body.

Improves brain function
Celtic salt plays an important role in keeping nerve cells healthy.

Balances blood sugar
It is particularly useful in the diet of diabetics because it allows the blood sugar balance.

Alkalized body
The acidity in the body causes many diseases, a salt having the alkalinizing Keltska properties.

Increases energy
Salt and water are essential for the circulation of useful substances through cells, which gives the body energy.

Strengthens the immune system
Proper intake of the Celtic salts and minerals from it, which are in their natural form, can increase your resistance to a variety of diseases and infections.

Allows a peaceful sleep
Celtic salt has a soothing effect on the entire nervous system and improves the quality of sleep.

Prevents muscle cramps
Muscle cramps are caused by an imbalance of electrolytes, and Celtic salt gives your body the necessary minerals in the correct proportions.

Increases strength and